
Why Sweat About Perspiration?

One bit of advice regarding the successful care of garments is this — never underestimate the negative effects of perspiration on clothing.

Of course perspiration has never been seen as a positive thing (especially on a first date), which is why so many products exist to postpone or cover-up the problem. Many of these products, antiperspirants especially, will themselves stain clothing. But perspiration can be much more than just unsightly. It can be downright harmful to your clothing.

Perspiration will not only discolor clothing, left alone over time, it can actually degrade the fabric’s fibers — even more so in garments made of silk, such as silk blouses, dresses and sweaters. But let’s face it. You’re going to sweat. It’s going to be absorbed into your clothing — a little at a time or a lot all at once. It happens. All one can do is be aware of its presence in clothing and be sure to have garments cleaned promptly and properly. So relax — before you start perspiring!